The CEO asked for the team to think of additional ways we could raise funding for the Pandemic. On the news, we hear it has affected millions in more ways than enough. The organization established an entry for asylum seekers who are in desperate need. It
was then decided to host a live broadcast to raise funding.
I was on a team assigned to create videos for the event.
My three videos were for different purposes:
1. Guest Introduction
2. Share Applicants' Testimonies
3. Capture the Current Chaos at Hospitals.

This is first storyboard I worked on was going to basically depict people in their workspace before and after the pandemic to express the hard times. However, the team decided it was best we followed a single protagonist and his family going through the outbreak.

This storyboard is about a man at the office who receives an alert of COVID. We zoom out and see an overview of the office area slowly being emptied out. The male protagonist comes home to see his family watching the news. To compress time I thought a time-lapse shot of the family dinner table and of the pantry becoming empty was the best way to not only show time has obviously passed but the family is running low on resources. The main protagonist is then seen to gear up and go grocery shopping. The problem is appeared to have been solved but we end up at the clinic. The protagonist appears somber and opens up his test results. Positive, it says. The video would cut off there hinting for part two. There will not be any spoken dialogue so the audience and people can simply focus on the expressions of the cast. Due to a lack of funding and inability to shoot anything in this pandemic, both ideas were turned down and saved for the future.

My final attempt at creating a video that holds both current news and testimonies of applicants was a montage of news clips. The blank tv is shown and turned on to a news broadcast, the remote holder is swiftly browsing through the channels. Every channel has some news referring to the pandemic and the way it has affected individuals. My supervisor asked people to record themselves reading their assigned scripts which were submitted testimonies of applicants. Those stories were then seen on screen after the news montage.
The following video is to inform viewers what has been going on in the news at hospitals: